For those of you who don't know me (which is probably most of you) my name is Livi and I have just started working with World Outreach / Nations2Reach.
Ever since I was teenie weenie I had dreams about living amongst different cultures and helping the unloved and oppressed. I spent some time overseas and completed a missions internship in Japan - where God taught me so much about his love for all peoples.
I have been back in NZ for a year now. Last year I was trying to decide what God wanted me to do next! I had my ideas of starting an orphanage over in Russia or Africa - with my background in teaching!
Then I looked at NZ and I looked at the youth and the amazing potential for them to go and storm the nations. When I looked around me when I was in other cultures I noticed that so many of the people volunteering their time were older! I know that this generation is going to hugely impact the nations!!

We have the best kept secret of all time - that some people haven't yet heard! I believe that as we give of ourselves to people that have little, God will grow our capacity to love on the unloved. Instead of me - little old me - going over and starting an orphanage - what if I help others to find their passion and send them out of our nation to reach the lost - those who have never experienced the love of God! So here I am today! One little person wanting desperately to see God glorified where he has never been spoken of before!
One person with little to give but standing here saying, "here am I God - send me!"
This year we will be going to the nations of Indonesia and Thailand. We come as we are and pray - God use us. I am passionate about people - from every nation, tribe and tongue! I want to see each one when I get to heaven!
I pray that as you are reading this God would really begin to solidify what it is he has commissioned you for! I pray that he would stir an unquenchible hunger for him!
I pray that as you cling to God you would be flooded on with bundles of blessing and favour!
Nice Livi - your passion is contagious! I can only wait to see all the kiwis and young people from other nations that the Lord will mobilise through you for His purposes across the globe. Stay strong & we're praying for ya - Dave in Asia